The Situation
Our Las Vegas community faced a crisis, due to continued funding cuts, with minimal resources for our most at-risk pregnancies and births. 75% of the babies in Sunrise Hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit are on Medicaid and the hospital treats 1,000 babies in the NICU yearly. As a “safety net hospital,” Southern Nevada’s most vulnerable patients were at risk of losing access to meet their intensive healthcare needs.
The Solution
We worked with local hospital staff and effected parents to create moving videos, which urged people to support the campaign. We also built a website to provide a central location for sharing powerful stories and driving users to sign a petition or send a letter to their elected officials, encouraging them to not cut funding. Mobile optimization and smart functionality lowered the barrier to entry, while powerful creative and a robust social ecosystem supported grass roots word of mouth.
Sunrise Hospital
“Every Baby Counts NV”
Nevada’s sickest babies need your help.
Research, Strategy, Design, Print, Digital, OOH
The Results
40,000 letters were sent and 1,300 residents signed the petition. We achieved our goal of putting pressure on legislators and Gov. Sisolak to increase Medicaid reimbursements for Neonatal Intensive Care Units statewide. Hospital staff and parents were touched by our efforts to help them continue to give vulnerable babies the treatment they need.